
27685 rows


This table holds the polygon describing the region of the artefact in the coordinate system of its image. The image must first be scaled to the PPI defined in manuscript_metrics (1215 PPI by default).


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
artefact_shape_id INT UNSIGNED 10 null
artefact_shape_owner.artefact_shape_id fk_artefact_shape_owner_to_artefact_shapeR
artefact_id INT UNSIGNED 10 0
artefact.artefact_id fk_artefact_shape_to_artefactR

The id of the artefact to which this shape belongs.

sqe_image_id INT UNSIGNED 10 NULL
SQE_image.sqe_image_id fk_artefact_shape_to_sqe_imageR

This points to the master image (see SQE_image table) in which this artefact is found.

region_in_sqe_image GEOMETRY 0 null

This is the exact polygon of the artefact’s location within the master image’s coordinate system, but alwaya at a resolution of 1215 PPI. If the master image is not 1215 PPI it should be scaled to that resolution before the srtefact is drawn upon it.

region_in_sqe_image_hash BINARY 128 NULL

This is a quick hash of the region_in_sqe_image polygon for the purpose of uniqueness constraints.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc artefact_shape_id
fk_artefact_shape_to_artefact Performance Asc artefact_id
fk_artefact_shape_to_sqe_image_idx Performance Asc sqe_image_id
unique_artefact_shape Must be unique Asc/Asc/Asc artefact_id + sqe_image_id + region_in_sqe_image_hash
