
26982 rows


Every virtual manuscript is made up from artefacts. The artefact is a polygon region of an image which the editor deems to constitute a coherent piece of material (different editors may come to different conclusions on what makes up an artefact). This may correspond to what the editors of an editio princeps have designated a “fragment”, but often may not, since the columns and fragments in those publications are often made up of joins of various types. Joined fragments should not, as a rule, be defined as a single artefact within the SQE system. Rather, each component of a join should be a separate artefact, and those artefacts can then be positioned properly with each other via the artefact_position table.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
artefact_id INT UNSIGNED 10 null
artefact_data.artefact_id fk_artefact_data_to_artefactR
artefact_group_member.artefact_id artefact_group_member_to_artefactR
artefact_position.artefact_id fk_artefact_position_to_artefactR
artefact_shape.artefact_id fk_artefact_shape_to_artefactR
artefact_stack.artefact_A_id fk_af_stack_A_to_artefactR
artefact_stack.artefact_B_id fk_af_stack_B_to_artefactR
artefact_status.artefact_id fk_artefact_status_to_artefact_idR
roi_position.artefact_id fk_roi_position_to_artefactR


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc artefact_id
