
SchemaSpy Analysis of SQE

Generated on Tue Jul 14 14:18 CEST 2020

XML Representation
Insertion Order Deletion Order
Constraints 181
Anomalies 28
Routines 18

Database Properties

Database Type: MariaDB - 10.3.23-MariaDB-1:10.3.23+maria~focal


Table / View Children Parents Columns Rows Type Comments
parallel_group_pair_owner 0 3 3 0 Table
artefact_group_member 1 2 3 0 Table

This table is used to aggregate artefacts into groups. An artefact group consists of a name (see artefact_group_name) and a list of members (see artefact_group_member). It is up to the user to determine what an artefact group is meant to do functionally. Typically we assume that when one member of a group is transformed, all members of the group will also be transformed accordingly. The responsibility for such operations, however, lies downstream from the database (i.e., there are no database triggers involved with artefact groups).

qwb_word 2 0 3 319584 Table
line_data_owner 0 3 3 53405 Table
manuscript_metrics 1 2 8 1371 Table

This table stores basic information about the gross metrics of a manuscript. The user is able to specify an x/y-origin point for the start of the manuscript along with its proposed height and width in millimeters. The coordinate system begins top left, positive values increase while moving downward on the y-axis and while moving rightward on the x-axis. The PPI is currently fixed ad 1215 PPI to facilitate comparison of GIS data between manuscripts. All images should be scaled to this resolution before creating artefacts and ROIs that are placed upon the virtual manuscript.

position_in_text_fragment_stream_owner 0 3 4 10450 Table
line_to_sign_owner 0 3 3 1730550 Table
image_to_image_map 2 2 8 69272 Table

This table contains the mapping information to correlate images of the same object via linear affine transformations. The mapping may only invlove a portion of either image as defined in the region_on_imageX columns.

parallel_type_owner 0 3 3 0 Table
manuscript_metrics_owner 0 3 3 1371 Table
manuscript 5 0 1 1645 Table

The manuscript is an abstract placeholder that is given metadata via the manuscript_data table. This allows multiple editions of the same manuscript to be created, regardless of the naming scheme used. A manuscript will contain one or more text fragments (manuscript_to_text_fragment)

position_in_stream_owner 0 3 4 1719776 Table
artefact_shape 1 2 5 27685 Table

This table holds the polygon describing the region of the artefact in the coordinate system of its image. The image must first be scaled to the PPI defined in manuscript_metrics (1215 PPI by default).

text_fragment_to_line_owner 0 3 3 0 Table
scribal_font_glyph_metrics 1 1 6 0 Table

Contains the bounding box and position metrics of a scribal font. Only used to calculate ROIs not yet set by the user.

scribe_owner 0 3 3 0 Table
user_email_token 1 1 4 0 Table

This table holds a list of unique tokens that are sent to the user in order to confirm certain operations in the database. These tokens are intended to expire and a scheduled event in the database clears out all entries that are over 2 days old.

edition_editor 34 2 7 1645 Table

Each edition has one or more edition editors, which are the individual users working on that edition. Each edition editor has individual access rights that are specified here.

position_in_text_fragment_stream 1 2 3 10852 Table

Gives a stream of fragments in a scroll in the right order

artefact_status_owner 0 3 3 0 Table
sign_interpretation_commentary 1 2 4 0 Table

This table allows editors to attach commentary to a specific attribute of a sign interpretation.

manuscript_data 1 1 3 1371 Table

Description of a reconstructed manuscript or combination.

scribal_font_glyph_metrics_owner 0 3 3 0 Table
artefact_group_member_owner 0 3 3 0 Table
text_fragment_data_owner 0 3 3 11176 Table
parallel_type 3 1 4 0 Table

Hierarchical list which defines parallel_types

artefact_stack 1 2 10 22748 Table

This table stores the relationship between artefacts which make up a stack, meaning that they represent parallel layers in a stack. This could be:
a) Artefact A is and B represent recto/verso of one layer (artefact), then the layer_A and layer_B must be the same
b) A and B represent parts of different layers of a already decomposed stack (reason= ‚found in a stack‘) or as part of wad (reason = ‚part of a wad‘) or as thought by the scholar to belong in the same perimeter of the manuscript (reason=‚reconstructed‘).

The tables allow the creation of a sequence of artefacts: A = recto of layer 1 -> B = verso of layer 1 -> C = recto of recto of layer 2 -> D = verso of layer 2 … (where -> represents a record with the left as artefact_A and the right term as artefact_B)

A special case is marked by shared. We could, e.g., have A as verso and B as recto and additionally a subregion of B as shared to A.

parallel_group_pair 2 2 3 0 Table

Creates a pair of parallel_groups

text_fragment_to_line 1 2 3 53405 Table

This table links lines of an edition to a specific text fragment.

parallel_sign_stream_section 1 2 3 0 Table

This table enables a connection to be made between parallel words in two different manuscripts.

roi_position 1 1 5 0 Table

ROI’s are linked to artefacts. To get the location of the ROI in the coordinate system of the “virtual manuscript, one must first apply the roi_position and then the position of the linked artefact. This can by done via the UDF nested_geom_transform.

attribute_value_owner 0 3 3 81292 Table
image_to_iaa_edition_catalog 0 2 2 39105 Table

Temporary table to link image catalog info with edition info until the SQE_image table is fully populated. Once that table is populated this one will become redundant. This was autogenerated from IAA data.

user_contributions 0 1 4 0 Table

Created by Martin 17/03/29

artefact_position 1 1 9 0 Table
SQE_image 4 2 12 101504 Table

This table defines an image. It contains referencing data to access the image via iiif servers, it also stores metadata relating to the image itself, such as sizing, resolution, image color range, etc. It also maintains a link to the institutional referencing system, and the referencing of the editio princeps (as provided by the imaging institution).

text_fragment 6 0 1 11176 Table

The text_fragment is an abstract placeholder that can be named via text_fragment_data, subsumed in a manuscript (manuscript_to_text_fragment), and joined with the lines that contitute it (text_fragment_to_line).

font_file 2 0 5 0 Table

Contains a font file to be used for reconstructed text or overlays

single_action 0 1 5 0 Table

This table joins with the main_action table to record all mutation actions taken regarding each edition.

artefact_data_owner 0 3 3 28192 Table
position_in_stream_to_section_rel 0 2 2 1238253 Table

This table links sign_interpretations to the words they are part of. This creates a bridge from the SQE data to the words stored in the QWB database.

qwb_variant 0 2 9 0 Table
sign_interpretation_attribute_owner 0 4 3 2622730 Table
scribal_font_owner 0 3 3 0 Table
scribe 1 0 3 0 Table
edition_editor_request 0 4 8 0 Table

This table stores the data for a request for a user to become an editor of an edition. It contains details about the permissions associated with the request.

attribute_value_css 1 1 3 0 Table

Custom CSS to be applied to and attribute when it is visualized in an HTML context.

artefact_shape_owner 0 3 3 27810 Table
artefact_group_data 1 1 3 0 Table

This table stores data pertaining to an artefact group, specifically its name.

sign_stream_section 4 0 2 2 Table

A collection of coherent signs from a stream.

sign_interpretation_roi_owner 0 3 3 0 Table
iaa_edition_catalog_to_text_fragment 1 2 3 15236 Table

This is a temporary table to curate matches between the image catalog system and the SQE text fragments in a manuscript. It should eventually be deprecated in favor of matches inferred by spatial overlap on the virtual scroll of a the placement of a ROI linked to text transcription and an artefact linked to an image.

parallel_group_pair_to_type 1 2 3 0 Table

Connexts a parallel_group_pair with a parallel type

artefact_position_owner 0 3 3 0 Table
artefact_group_data_owner 0 3 3 0 Table
attribute_value_css_owner 0 3 3 0 Table
scribal_font_kerning_owner 0 3 3 0 Table
artefact_stack_owner 0 3 3 22671 Table
qwb_ref 0 1 6 54165 Table

This table creates a connection between the references in the QWB database and the textual references within the SQE text system.

iaa_edition_catalog 3 1 9 38927 Table

This table contains the IAA data for the editio princeps reference for all of their images.

image_catalog_author 0 2 2 41829 Table
manuscript_to_text_fragment_owner 0 3 3 11176 Table
sign 2 0 1 1732050 Table

This is an abstract placeholder allowing a multiplicity of interpretations to be related to each other by linking to the same sign_id.

manuscript_data_owner 0 3 3 1371 Table
image_to_image_map_author 0 2 2 72198 Table
font_file_owner 0 3 3 0 Table
attribute 3 0 3 9 Table

This table stores attributes that can be used to describe a sign_interpretation. They are used in conjunction with a string value in the attribute_value, and any related numeric value can be added in the numeric_value column of the sign_interpretation_attribute table.

line_to_sign 1 2 3 1730550 Table

Linking of abstract signs to a line.

artefact_data 1 1 3 26649 Table

This stores metadata about the artefact.

SQE_image_author 0 2 2 97205 Table
iaa_edition_catalog_to_text_fragment_confirmation 0 2 4 15403 Table

This table is part of the temporary and preliminary catalog info matching system. There are three possibilities here: 1. confirmed = 0 and user_id IS NULL (the match has neither been confirmed nor rejected); 2. confirmed = 0 and user_id IS NOT NULL (the user with user_id has rejected the match); 3. confirmed = 1 and user_id IS NOT NULL (the user with user_id has confirmed the match as valid). The pairing confirmed = 1 and user_id IS NOT NULL is an invalid combination.

main_action 1 2 5 0 Table

Table recording mutation actions (it can be used for infinite undo). This table stores the state of the action (rewound or not), the date of the change, and the edition that the action is associated with. The table single_action links to the entries here and describes the table in which the action occurred, the id of the entry in that table that was involved, and the nature of the action (creating a connection between that entry and the edition of the main_action, or deleting the connection between that entry and the edition of the main_action).

qwb_biblio 1 0 3 0 Table
image_urls 1 0 5 3 Table

URL’s for the iiif image servers providing our images.

manuscript_to_text_fragment 1 2 3 11166 Table

Links an entry in the text_fragment table to a reconstructed manuscript.

parallel_group 3 0 1 0 Table

Provides a unique identifier for groups of sign_stream_sections representing parallel chunks of text

text_fragment_data 1 1 3 11172 Table

This table defines the properties of a unified grouping of text containing one or more lines.

iaa_edition_catalog_author 0 2 2 39537 Table
line_data 1 1 3 55080 Table

Metadata pertaining to the description of a line of transcribed text.

image_catalog 3 0 6 41950 Table

The referencing system of the institution providing the images.

sign_interpretation_commentary_owner 0 3 3 0 Table
parallel_group_pair_to_type_owner 0 3 3 0 Table
line 4 0 1 53964 Table

The line is an abstract placeholder which can receive definition via the line_data table. It must be nested in a text fragment (text_fragment_to_line) and will contain signs (line_to_sign)

edition 35 1 6 1645 Table

This table provides the anchor for a complete scholarly edition of a manuscript. It also maintains the locked and public status of the edition.

parallel_sign_stream_section_owner 0 3 3 0 Table
sign_interpretation 5 1 4 1189027 Table

This table describes the interpretation of signs in an edition. Currently this includes both characters, spaces, and formatting marks, it could perhaps also include other elements that one might want to define as a sign.

attribute_owner 0 3 3 14168 Table
artefact 8 0 1 26982 Table

Every virtual manuscript is made up from artefacts. The artefact is a polygon region of an image which the editor deems to constitute a coherent piece of material (different editors may come to different conclusions on what makes up an artefact). This may correspond to what the editors of an editio princeps have designated a “fragment”, but often may not, since the columns and fragments in those publications are often made up of joins of various types. Joined fragments should not, as a rule, be defined as a single artefact within the SQE system. Rather, each component of a join should be a separate artefact, and those artefacts can then be positioned properly with each other via the artefact_position table.

scribal_font 4 1 4 0 Table

Defines a font found in the scrolls. It connects to a font file and is referred by glyph info

artefact_status 1 2 3 0 Table

The artefact status is a user definable placeholder to store information about how state of work on defining the artefact.

attribute_value 3 1 4 44 Table

The specific string value associated with an attribute to describe some aspect of a sign_interpretation.

user 11 0 10 0 Table

This table stores the data of all registered users,
Created by Martin 17/03/03

The email is the unique identifier for each user (i.d., the username).

sign_interpretation_roi 1 3 6 0 Table

This table links a sign_interpretation to the ROI or ROIs it describes.

sign_stream_section_owner 0 3 3 327684 Table
roi_shape 1 0 2 0 Table

This table holds the polygon describing the ROI in its own coordinate system. The roi_position table situates the polygon in the coordinate system of the artefact.

sign_stream_section_to_qwb_word 0 2 2 328329 Table

Provides n:m connection between qwb words and sections of the sign stream.

work_status 1 0 2 0 Table

This table stores user-definable work status messages that can be applied to various data tables. They are used to indicate the current status of editor curation for the data entry.

sign_interpretation_attribute 1 2 5 2557225 Table

This table links sign_interpretations to the attributes that further describe the sign’s interpretation.

scribal_font_kerning 1 1 6 0 Table

Contains kerning of glyph of a scribal font. Only used to calculated the position of signs not yet positioned by the user

point_to_point_map 0 1 4 0 Table

This table holds data pertaining to nonlinear transforms between a set of two images. It stores a list of points in one image and the corresponding points in another image.

position_in_stream 2 2 3 1719776 Table

This table provides ordering data for the transcriptions. It provides a DAG linking sign_interpretations to each other.

artefact_group 2 0 1 0 Table

This table holds the abstract IDs for the artefact group. An artefact group consists of a name (see artefact_group_name) and a list of members (see artefact_group_member). It is up to the user to determine what an artefact group is meant to do functionally. Typically we assume that when one member of a group is transformed, all members of the group will also be transformed accordingly. The responsibility for such operations, however, lies downstream from the database (i.e., there are no database triggers involved with artefact groups).

recent_edition_catalog_to_col_confirmation 0 1 4 0 View