
0 rows


ROI’s are linked to artefacts. To get the location of the ROI in the coordinate system of the “virtual manuscript, one must first apply the roi_position and then the position of the linked artefact. This can by done via the UDF nested_geom_transform.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
roi_position_id INT UNSIGNED 10 null
sign_interpretation_roi.roi_position_id fk_sign_area_to_roi_positionR
artefact_id INT UNSIGNED 10 null
artefact.artefact_id fk_roi_position_to_artefactR

ROI’s are linked to artefacts. Those artefacts may be real (i.e., linked to an image) or virtual (i.e., not linked to an image). A virtual manuscript is the sum total of all the artefacts positioned in it.

translate_x INT 10 0

The translation on the X axis necessary to position the a ROI shape in the artefact’s coordinate system. The artefact coordinate system is the same as the “master imafe” to which it is linked, but always scaled to a resolution of 1215 PPI.

translate_y INT 10 0

The translation on the Y axis necessary to position the a ROI shape in the artefact’s coordinate system. The artefact coordinate system is the same as the “master imafe” to which it is linked, but always scaled to a resolution of 1215 PPI.

stance_rotation SMALLINT UNSIGNED 5 NULL

Any rotation that would be necessary for the sign to have the correct stance on a horizontal plane. This is to be applied whent creating fonts and analyzing the expected script orientation in relation to its actual orientation on an artefact.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc roi_position_id
fk_roi_position_to_artefact Performance Asc artefact_id
