
0 rows


This table joins with the main_action table to record all mutation actions taken regarding each edition.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
single_action_id BIGINT UNSIGNED 20 null
main_action_id INT UNSIGNED 10 null
main_action.main_action_id fk_single_action_to_mainC

Id of the main action that this single action belongs to.

action enum('add', 'delete') 6 NULL

The nature of the action applied. A link to an edition was either added or deleted.

table VARCHAR 255 'NULL'

Table containing the entry that was either added to or deleted from the edition.

id_in_table INT UNSIGNED 10 0

Id of the record that was added to or deleted from the edition (of the linked main_action) in the “table”_owner table.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc single_action_id
fk_single_action_to_main_idx Performance Asc main_action_id
