
1371 rows


This table stores basic information about the gross metrics of a manuscript. The user is able to specify an x/y-origin point for the start of the manuscript along with its proposed height and width in millimeters. The coordinate system begins top left, positive values increase while moving downward on the y-axis and while moving rightward on the x-axis. The PPI is currently fixed ad 1215 PPI to facilitate comparison of GIS data between manuscripts. All images should be scaled to this resolution before creating artefacts and ROIs that are placed upon the virtual manuscript.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
manuscript_metrics_id INT UNSIGNED 10 null
manuscript_metrics_owner.manuscript_metrics_id manuscript_metrics_owner_to_manuscript_metricsR
manuscript_id INT UNSIGNED 10 null
manuscript.manuscript_id manuscript_metrics_to_manuscriptR
x_origin INT 10 0

This is the x value of the starting point of the manuscript. The coordinate system begins top left, positive values increase while moving downward on the y-axis and while moving rightward on the x-axis.

y_origin INT 10 0

This is the y value of the starting point of the manuscript. The coordinate system begins top left, positive values increase while moving downward on the y-axis and while moving rightward on the x-axis.

width INT UNSIGNED 10 0

This is the width of the manucsript in millimeters.

height INT UNSIGNED 10 0

This is the height of the manucsript in millimeters.

pixels_per_inch INT UNSIGNED 10 1215

This is the pixels per inch for the manuscript. At the outset we have decided to set all manuscripts at 1215 PPI, which is the resolution of most images being used. All images should be scaled to this resolution before creating artefacts and ROIs that are placed upon the virtual manuscript. We have no plans to use varying PPI settings for different manuscripts, which would slightly complicate GIS calculations across multiple manuscripts.

scribal_font_id INT UNSIGNED 10 NULL
scribal_font.scribal_font_id manuscript_metrics_to_scribal_font_fkR


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc manuscript_metrics_id
manuscript_metrics_to_manuscript Performance Asc manuscript_id
manuscript_metrics_to_scribal_font_fk Performance Asc scribal_font_id
unique_manuscript_metrics Must be unique Asc/Asc/Asc/Asc/Asc/Asc manuscript_id + height + pixels_per_inch + width + x_origin + y_origin
