
15236 rows


This is a temporary table to curate matches between the image catalog system and the SQE text fragments in a manuscript. It should eventually be deprecated in favor of matches inferred by spatial overlap on the virtual scroll of a the placement of a ROI linked to text transcription and an artefact linked to an image.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
iaa_edition_catalog_to_text_fragment_id INT UNSIGNED 10 null
iaa_edition_catalog_to_text_fragment_confirmation.iaa_edition_catalog_to_text_fragment_id fk_aecttfc_to_iaa_edition_catalog_to_text_fragmentR
iaa_edition_catalog_id INT UNSIGNED 10 null
iaa_edition_catalog.iaa_edition_catalog_id fk_edition_catalog_to_text_fragment_to_edition_catalog_idR
text_fragment_id INT UNSIGNED 10 null
text_fragment.text_fragment_id fk_edition_catalog_to_text_fragment_to_text_fragment_idR


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc iaa_edition_catalog_to_text_fragment_id
fk_edition_catalog_to_text_fragment_to_edition_catalog_id Performance Asc iaa_edition_catalog_id
unique_edition_catalog_id_text_fragment_id Must be unique Asc/Asc text_fragment_id + iaa_edition_catalog_id
